Sunday, April 17, 2011


When this posts, we should be enjoying a little adult time in Savannah, GA.  The last time we left Travis for a weekend was 10/10/10, and he took his first steps.  Who knows what he will be up to this weekend?!?

This will be our last adult-only weekend as a family of three.  In what seems to be a blink of an eye, we will be blessed to be a family of four.  There are days where I feel like I'm totally ready to tackle "two under two" and other days where I can't even imagine what its gonna be like (I picture a three-ring circus of sorts where I end up locked in the closet).  As much as I'm kind of a pregnancy complainer, I feel so blessed that God took all of the stress of "trying" away from us this go round.  That puts our kids closer together than I had worked out in my perfect 10-year plan, but God has a funny way of reminding you who is in charge.  I am so glad that we didn't have any of the stress and waiting this go round, and I gotta have faith in my God that he wouldn't give us something we couldn't handle.  (Although, I do think God has an amazing sense of humor - check back in 15 years).  I love that Brandon is so excited (and not near as freaked out as I am), and the whole family (blood relatives, friends, and church) is ready to support us in ways that only amazing families do. 

Maryn, we are so excited for your safe and healthy arrival on or around June 11th (give or take a little based on our house schedule - thankyouverymuch) and are looking forward to seeing your sweet face.  We can't wait for you to meet your mommy, daddy, and your big brother.  We think he is gonna be an amazing "Big Brother".  He loves saying sister ("shissher") and loving on mama's growing belly.  I just suggest that you don't mess with his "babies."

Sometimes being a brother is even better than being a superhero.  ~Marc Brown

Raising "babies" is hard work.  :)


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