Thursday, January 3, 2013

League City Christmas

Because of Lovey's gig with Texas Tech, she spent Christmas Eve in a Houston hotel getting ready for the bowl game.  So as soon as we celebrated Christmas morning at our house, we headed to Uncle Mickey's for fun, food, and family - three things our crew does very well!

We threw together some quickie printable decor for Uncle Mickey's house and made some decorations for his giant tree he got in anticipation of our visit!

Of course, glitter pine cones and scooters in the garage!


Travis picked out Lovey a "pie maker" for Christmas - surprise, surprise!  We had so much fun making (and eating) those tasty little treats!

Awesomest pirate out there!

And we made our own soda, too!

Here Maryn, here is your proof when he wants to date your friends....

Sweet sweet snuggles!

Mickey's neighborhood has great walking trails and a great park!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Christmas Eve Breakfast

Some friends of ours hosted a pancake breakfast with Santa on Christmas Eve morning this year as a fundraiser for the Tarrant County Food Bank.  For once, we actually (but kinda sadly) didn't have a houseful of folks so we headed on over.  We definitely got the "coolest parents" awards based on our awesome Christmas pj attire.  Speaking of coolest mama, I almost blacked out on the round and round flower thing at Veterans Park a couple of weeks ago.  Literally strangers were coming up saying how awesome I must be to endure such craziness.  :)

Just give me the frosting por favor!

M was all "can I take him home?"

Oh hi, h.o.t.t.i.e!

Because we like to torture our kids!

Some more friends even showed up to join us!!!

Thanks, Hoggs!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013!

New Year's Eve 2012 must have been cuh-razy if this is how we ended up!!

Sister popped out 6 teeth in about 2 weeks and had a rough couple weeks of schedules and traveling, so we resorted to quite a bit of co-sleeping.  It was temporarily sweet and fun, but then nobody got any sleep and we were all grouchy and well, that's not sweet or fun.  :)  

I'm happy to report everyone is back in their own beds for now.  (Added Jan. 15th)

I mean, seriously!?!?!?!?