Tuesday, December 11, 2012

18 Months - WOW! 12/12/12

You are such an amazing little girl!  I think because you are the second kid (with a big brother you are so eager to follow) you zoomed thru your infanthood at warp speed.  At 18 months, you have the vocabulary and conversation skills of most 3 year olds.  You are determined to accomplish physical feats that your brother didn't dare try at your age.  You love the outdoors and the playground and happily follow Travis on all of the playground toys.  "Side" and "Fwing" are your faves.  You show no fear going down the slides.
We are amazed by your ability to communicate at such a young age.  You can count to ten (although you don't care for 7) which you picked up on with us playing hide and seek with your brother.  You know a ton of animals and their sounds as well.  You know your shapes and colors for the most part, and Travis likes to quiz you about these things.  He praises you when you are right and smacks you when you get them wrong (he ends up in time out!).  Sorry he is such a taskmaster.  Sometimes (mainly when we aren't looking), we hear him say "I love you, baby girl", "good job, missy", or some other sweet sister sentiment.
You still only have 6 teeth, but you eat like a champ.  Yesterday you ate your normal sausage patty for breakfast, cheese stick for snack, three veggie straws (you requested two green and one "yeyyow"), lentil soup for lunch, and green beans and oranges for dinner.  You still nurse like a three month old so you had plenty of milk too (including at least a couple visits at night!!!).  You lay down on the floor on your side and demand "mee-ilk".  Sometimes you ask for it in the chair or on the couch too.  It's quite comical that you have an opinion about where you'd like it!
We've all decided that we are better off just giving you what you want since you are such a determined girl!!  It never fails that you want in brother's business and he wants in yours.  Soon, I'm hoping, ya'll will be able to talk each other's ears off.  You love books, but have strong opinions about which ones to read and when.  You like to take our hands over to the bookshelf.  We will read out the titles and you say "no, no, no" until you agree with a "that one".  Last night during bath (sink in the playroom), daddy asked if you were ready to get out, and you responded with "no, stay here bath" which pretty much is a four word sentence.  Pretty impressive for not even 18 months.
You have two prized possessions that we have deemed "green babies".  I had purchased you two pink lovies that were similar to Travis's baby and puppy, but you chose these spare cast-offs that Pepper had found when we thought baby or puppy had gone missing (he was underneat the trash can, for what its worth).  Before nursing or rest times, you want them so we call out for them saying "oooooh, ba-bies".  When we find one, you ask for "other one", then respond with "there it is!" and finally finish the convo with "found me."  Pretty much precious to the max! 
You wear size 18m clothes, size 3 diapers, and size 5 or 6 shoes.  We think you have your daddy's big feet!  You definitely like shoes and love to play in your closet or Travis's closet putting on shoes.  Crocs, especially.
Everybody is smitten with you, and we all think you are the prettiest baby girl out there!  Your daddy wasn't quite sure about having a daughter, but he has embraced playing dollies and hairbows awesomely.  He loves you so much, and you are always so happy to see him!
Already, your personality and charm is evident.  You are a fun-loving girl, and we are so blessed by you in our lives!!  We love you to the moon and back, Maymay!
Mommy & Daddy
You are a silly girl - always on the move!!

Lentil soup.  In true big girl fashion, you made us switch bowls.  I ate the rest of yours with your pink princess spoon while you ate mine.


After nap, you asked for your "mote" so you can look at your Christmas tree!

These "baby" snuggling moments are gonna pass by in a jiffy.

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